Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kitties...they friends!

Tasha and Sophie, being the territorial kitties that they are, have come to a compromise. They will be best of snuggly friends and completely unperturbed by each other....until mom and dad come home! Then, it's time to wrestle, growl, kick, bite, play tag and any other annoying and disruptive behavior that they can think of, especially when it is bedtime.

But, at least, I'm glad that they are getting along better than in the beginning, and playing more than fighting....I hope that's what it is. Without one another, however, they are so compassionate. Sophie has been learning the hard way that being lazy and peeing on the bedroom floor is not acceptable, so we have been "grounding" her to the laundry room. When she's in there, of course she is not happy about it, and will actually whimper. It's more of a puppy-like sound than a meow. This draws Tasha's attention, and she will actually attempt to reach under the door to free Sophie. It's soooo cute!

I love my babies!


Amber said...

Love your cute new kitty! Sometimes I wish I wasn't so allergic. I might get one.

Hilarie said...

Cute pictures! Kitties are so cute, I'm glad we have Lily cats can be a lot of fun. I think when we have a house we'll get one more.

Kara said...

Mwahaha! I blog stalked you! Feed me Seymour!

The Rivers' said...

Your babies are so cute!!! I can't wait until I get one too!!!

Caranna said...

BREEZY - You need to look at your blog once in a while!! I need an address, phone number, e-mail address: ANYTHING that's gonna work better than this! I miss you buddy! We need to catch up!